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About study days radar

The study day. The school cannot do without it, many working parents cannot do it with it. Because having the children at home on a weekday means taking time off for them, calling in the out-of-school care or looking at grandma again. Or accept that the children spend all day on the couch with the iPad. Study Days Radar (SDR) offers a solution. SDR is an online platform that links study days to sporting, cultural and educational activities for the children. Lots of fun! And they get some of it too. This way no one wants to do without the study day!

Who we are

Study days radar is an initiative of a group of working parents, who know 'the problem' of the study day from their own experience. When these parents organized a fun activity for an entire class for the umpteenth study day, the idea arose: why don't we do this for everyone? Study days radar, SDR for short, searches for and finds a fun, educational interpretation for the study days of primary schools. SDR is the link between schools, parents and providers of activities. By parents, for parents. And secretly especially for the children.

Studiedagenradar is a product of Multisportpass B.V. KvK 82277354

All activitiesEducationalSportyCultural

About SDR

Studiedagenradar B.V.

Kabelweg 22 1014 BB Amsterdam

©️ Studiedagenradar 2024