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Get to know Studiedagenradar!

A handy online platform, where you can find all the study days of your child(ren)'s school. Complete with activities on those days, for which you can register your child. In this way, the study day will no longer cause you headaches.

Register and view all activities

The advantages of Study Days Radar

A fun, active and educational interpretation of study days for students

Plenty of choice of sporting, cultural and/or educational activities in the area

From short-term parent-child activity to a full-day program for the child

Always an overview of all planned study days in a school year

Four weeks in advance a signal for the next study day

Easy booking: choose, click, done!

Studiedagenradar is a product of Multisportpass B.V. KvK 82277354

All activitiesEducationalSportyCultural

About SDR

Studiedagenradar B.V.

Kabelweg 22 1014 BB Amsterdam

©️ Studiedagenradar 2024